(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nigel Latta is my Hero

I don’t know how many of you have kids, but those that do, should get the DVD series Nigel made called “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Parenting”. There is also a Teenage edition, if that is your particular affliction. To hell with it, those without kids should see it too. Watching it, you will see what I call the sheer genius of common sense.

He talks about the bollocks of treating every child as if they are special. The world at large is all about winners and losers, and the sooner the little darlings figure that out, the better their survival rate will be.

This PC philosophy (read bollocks) of “all winners, no losers” comes from the most competitive country in the world. Yes, Amrika. I really don’t know what to make of that.

As these little “all about me” monsters sprout, so do their egos. They actually think we give a toss about anything they have to say. Recently, they have come to believe that EVERYBODY gives a toss about EVERYTHING they have to say.
Why do I say that? Twitter! Facebook!


These self-centred little sociopaths genuinely believe that the world is waiting to devour their every waiting thought.
Blogs are almost as bad, but at least they tend to include complete sentences, using an accepted form of English.
Don’t worry, I can see the irony here, but I only expect that about 4 people will find some of what I say here to be interesting, or at least mildly amusing. More of a distraction, really.

Unlike most of these consciousness-polluting cyber-terrorists, I have no delusions of becoming the next literary genius, the next philosophical heavyweight.

Not only do these morons think that they have something valuable to say, they also think that they possess an innate genius when it comes to saying it. To make matters worse, they truly believe that their genius extends to everything they put their ADD-addled minds to.

Why do they all have ADD these days, anyway? This “disease” didn’t even exist when I was a kid. If I wasn’t paying attention in class, it was “six of the best for you, young man”. We just got a jolly good thumping. Let your mind drift at your peril.

But these people are special, apparently. If they don’t pay attention in class, it must be because they are too bright and need stimulation. (I’ll give them stimulation…) Move on to something else to distract them. Not working? Something else, then.

These kids never finish anything. Their teachers won’t let them. As a result, their attention span can’t even compete with that of a fruit fly. Or a magpie. “Oh look, something shiny. I want it”

ADD is the result of these politically correct ‘teachers’ insisting that the child’s attention-span skill never be allowed to develop.
“Strive” or “Achieve” are removed from the vocabulary, along with “Consequences”.

Where was I going with this? Oh that’s right. All of these people now think that they not only possess undiscovered genius, but spectacular talent in everything they turn their hand to. One of these spectacular talents is of course singing.

Up in Sarah’s favourite place on the 11th deck, we watched the tail end of a karaoke event. I have truly never seen one before. I was horrified.
This was a piss-take, right? Nope! They were all serious.
Unfortunately, nobody could make the simple connection that I would happily have made if they had just asked.
“Just because they LOOK like Susan Boyle, doesn’t mean they can SING like her as well.”

Sorry sweetheart, you are not beautiful, your arse DOES look fat in that, and you definitely can’t sing. I’m embarrassed for you, and I’ve never even met you.

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