(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Heading to Lake Louise

After a few false starts, we are under way. One of the best lessons from driving in Amrika 10 years ago, is to get a GPS.

THE best lesson I get from using a GPS is to relax. I say this to everybody who is planning on driving overseas. If you miss a turn, or get in the wrong lane, forget about it. Just keep driving. In a few seconds the machine will recalculate the route, based on the road you are on. Easy.

Actually, it is not easy, it's very hard to do. But whenever possible, just say "screw it, it doesn't matter". Learn to really make the GPS work for it's money. What fun is there if you follow it's instructions 100%? It hasn't even broken a sweat, so why should you? Relax and try to let the GPS do more work than you do.

An interesting drive.

Turn here, turn there, go around there. Once we got out of town, we saw "in 148Km, turn right. OK we are on the right road, and on our way. Through the countryside. It was like 2 ribbons of asphalt laid out across the countryside. Two lanes going towards the rockies, and 2 coming back to town, a few metres to my left. Over on the horizon, The Rockies. Very dramatic landscape.

Next there were the green rolling hills, disappearing into the blue sky and white clouds. The colours were so vivid, it actually reminded me of the windows desktop. This one.

Actually, the terrain we drove through had even brighter, more unrealistic colours. The green is greener, the blue bluer. WOW!

Then the Rockies were back in view again, and they were really close, until we were right in the middle of it. We were told that the drive would be beautiful. Yeah, right, whatever.

They were right.

And then we were there.

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