(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Correlation between Measurable Intelligence and Breathing Skills

You know the old adage that first impressions count, right? Have you ever noticed that one of your first impressions of somebody attests to their intelligence, their IQ?

It could be the way they dress, or their grooming. Somebody who is well dressed and well groomed must be somebody who is successful, and to be successful, they must be intelligent. There is also an implied honesty that goes with all of that as well.
But all of this can be faked. Insurance Salesmen. Real Estate Entrepreneurs. Need I go on?

Looking around the ship these last few days, I have noticed something else.

IQ is directly related to breathing style.
If somebody breathes with their mouth, they look thick. There is no point beating about the bush. They look retarded!

The simple act of being a mouth-breather relieves you of at least 45 IQ points, and relegates you to swimming at the shallow end of the gene pool.
Really! Next time you see a mouth-breather you have never met, think about how bright they look. Remember this is for first impressions only. If somebody you have known for years has a cold, that doesn’t make them any thicker in your estimation. Their nasal cavities, perhaps, but otherwise they are the same person you have always appreciated.

So, look at that slack-jawed troglodyte. Even their eyes look more vacant as their mouths remain ajar. For these people, even the ability to breathe unaided through the nose takes on the status of higher learning.

That’s the great thing about being on holiday. You can really relax and appreciate the little idiot‑syncrasies that make us all human.

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