(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last day in Toronto

Well, that was Toronto.

Yesterday we went on a boat cruise, part of the hop-on-hop-off tour. Quite nice.
Went right past a wee airport on the island in Lake Ontario. It is apparently owned by Porter Airlines, the only airline to use it. They fly Dash 8s to Amrika and also to domestic ports from there.

After that, we took another Injun adventure. Sarah had seen advertising for a place called the Indian Bazaar, the largest Indian shopping centre in North Amrika.

So off we go to the station, to try and figure out the best way to get there. Three different staff gave us 3 different routes to go. Not helpful. I think I have a handle on it. Sarah is not so sure. We need to take the subway for a couple of stations, and then a trolley car to where we want to get off. The subway is a doddle, same as everywhere else. Obviously we are staying closer together on subways here, but otherwise no issue. When we bought our ticket ($3 to go anywhere in town on any transport) we get a transfer ticket. This is to show the driver or attendant on any subsequent sector. Proof of payment.

Now we are finding our way out, and to the trolley-car stop. Needed a bit of direction from a local, and we were at the right corner. But no stops visible.

There is the trolley-bus, the number we were told to get, and facing the right way. East gets us where we are going. Trouble is, it's on the other side of the intersection, parked in the middle of the street, at the lights. Crap!

At the moment, traffic is going NS, we are on the west corner, and the trolley-bus is on the east side of the intersection. The NS pedestrian is coming to a close. They have a count-down, with 12 seconds to clear the crossing before the red light. 9,8,7... hurry up...6,5,4... there are people still getting onto the trolley-bus.
The NS crossing is now red, and the EW crossing should start any second. Come on, come on. Yes, let's go. Over the crossing, and we tail-end onto the trolley. Sheesh!

These trolley-buses are a little odd, to us anyway. But, hey, they seem to be very efficient. According to the map I have, we have about 6 blocks to travel, so we elect to stand.  Six blocks later and we come to the first street on my map. This is further than we thought, but at least we are going in the right direction. I have to admit to trawling the map for each unknown street as we stop at each one. I have vivid memories of our experience driving in Sweden.

So I am very relieved to at last see a street that I recognise. I can relax.

We approach the area mentioned on the map as the Indian Bazaar. Should go for a few blocks on this street. We now start seeing ethnic shops and people. Definitely not indian, more chinese. Doh!

Let's just stick it out for a few more blocks. Maybe the indians have all gone. That can't be true. The centre of the city was awash with them for the Bollywood awards in the city centre on Saturday night.

A few blocks down, and we started seeing some hint that we were in the right area.

We got off and had a look around. Lots more clothing stores, selling lots more clothes.
Surprisingly, for the second time on our holiday, Sarah left a clothes-shopping spree empty-handed.
They are cheaper back home (Bangladesh), apparently.

Had dinner at an Irish pub mid-town, and packed up to go.

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