(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Almost Lake Louise

As soon as the GPS hit 10 km from Lake Louise, Sarah started doubting my programming skills.
"You didn't punch in the address. I asked if you wanted the address, but Oh No, you didn't need it. I bet that we don't end up at the hotel."
You get the drift?

I had entered "Lake Louise Rd", so I was confident. But I do remember Derwood telling me that he punched "the grand canyon" into a GPS, and it took him somewhere else. The Grand Fricking Canyon, people! Oh. My. God.

I was starting to run through the probable script if the GPS takes us happily to a wee hunting lodge on the OTHER side of ANOTHER Lake Louise.

"I knew it!
I just knew it!
We are lost!
You don't have a clue where we are, do you?
We are going to be in the car when the sun goes down.
Did you NOTICE that there have been no streetlights for the last 2 hours?
What happens if we run out of petrol?
What happens if the car breaks down?
You wouldn't even know how to open the bonnet, let alone fix anything.
Do you even know where the engine is?
We are going to have to sleep in the car.
We are going to freeze to death.
We are going to be eaten by bears,
We will never be seen again"

I can see it now. Front page of the local paper. "The Sarah Celeste. An empty car, and no sign of the occupants. Well-fed bears seen nearby."


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