(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lake Louise

We saw a sign that said Lake Louise a few kms back, but still no guarantees.

Then the turn-off. Close.

"Pull over and punch in the address. We aren't going to find the hotel without the address"

We'll be fine. Don't admit defeat just yet.

Just in the nick of time, I saw the name of our hotel on a sign, and Sarah missed it, so she keeps stressing.
I was going to mention it, honest.
In a minute.
Just one more minute.
OK I tell her. Doesn't seem to help.

Come around a bend and there it is. A monster hotel, right in the middle of absolutely nothing. The wilderness!

There is no way that you could miss this hotel, but not a word from the navigator's seat.

Nice hotel. Amazing views. Here's a couple of pictures.

Did you notice that last photo?
The view from quite high up. The 7th floor, actually.
We got upgraded to the 7th floor. Nice views.
On the 8th floor are the posh rooms. Well, posher actually. All rooms a a little bit posh.

Anyway, the 8th floor gets free wifi, and nobody else does.

Funny thing about wifi signals. Floors are no barrier to the signal. You know where I'm going with this, right?
Needless to say, we didn't get charged for any wifi usage while at Lake Louise.
Don't tell anybody.

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