(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Customer Service

This is an enigma.
On the one hand, society teaches these people to look out for number one. Everybody is an entrepreneur from the age of two. If you don't take it, then somebody else will, and they will step across your dead cold hand to get to it. These are the people we criticism for being so pushy and demanding when they come to our country.

But on the other, they really understand what customer service is. I actually think they may have invented it.

It really does seem like they genuinely want to help, as if they take genuine pride in the small things they can contribute to improve your day. In our country, "I don't get paid enough for this shit!" may only pass the lips of a few, but it certainly shuffles between the synapses of most.
While we may like to be known for our friendliness, these people must be praised for their genuine helpfulness. When it comes to customer service, helpfulness must trump friendliness any day.

I've often said that in our society, McDonald's seems to have the customer service culture right. While being paid probably half what airline staff earn, they provide that sense of helpfulness that shines.

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