(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Leaving Mumbai

Sarah's mum met up with some family this morning, and we had breakfast together. Then we packed and left.
Because the luggage was such an issue with the vehicles earlier, we knew that adding Sarah's mum to the mix would compound the problems. So we had arranged a larger car. This is the SUV that we went out in yesterday. It took all of the luggage in the back, so off we go. No problem.

Daylight trip showed us the shiny and the not-so-shiny of Mumbai. Lots of big city buildings, could have been anywhere. Then the slums. Wave after wave of recycled, rusty corrugated iron, forming a continuous field of mottled grime. Only the regular punctuation of satellite dishes betrays their true purpose.
Satellite dishes!? Priorities being what they are.

Got to the airport without incident, not quite the impact of our arrival. Just isn't the same in the daylight.
Check-in slow but efficient. Sarah's mum had requested WCHR assistance, so an attendant escorted us through security and to the gate.
Sarah was hoping that there was not LAGs for domestic flights, so had stored some water bottles from the hotel in my carry-on. They didn't make it past security.

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