(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Good bye KL

Last night we went back down to the Marriott's basement.

This time to a restaurant called Shook. They did Japanese, Chinese, Italiese, Amrikese. All the 'eses.
This is the largest restaurant down here. There is a tapas bar over in that corner, and back that way are all those funky ethnic restaurants we saw the other night.
We were the first to arrive for dinner, and as we were led to our table, our waiter called out something to the other staff. Whatever they were doing, all the staff looked up and bellowed something in response. As i write this, it reminds me of those scripted responses that some churches use during prayers. I have no idea why. It was obviously some kind of guest greeting in their language. Everybody else that came after us got the same choral greeting.

Sarah was entertained by a party that arrived a little later. They had been to the tapas bar, and were now ready for dinner. The guy that regarded himself the alpha male of the party decided that they wanted the same wine that they had been drinking at the tapas bar. Tosser!
There was a long discussion with the wine waiter about them being different businesses, but our alpha stood his ground. So over comes the guy from the tapas bar, armed with a bottle of the offending wine and a bottle opener. Further discussions. Probably about price. Back to the wine list. Lets try that one. Back goes the wine waiter to the bar, returning with a glass for mr alpha to try. MMM not bad, we'll have that.
I doubt his party was impressed. Sarah says one guy ordered a beer.
Eventually the tapas guy goes back to his corner. And the wine that alpha eventually accepted as of a sufficient standard for his guests? It was the fucking house wine!!


For those on the edge of you seats about my watch...

The brand is Invicta, Swiss according to the salesman. It is manual, all cogs and springs, wind it every three days. It has a glass front and a glass back, so you can watch as it digests every second. The rubber strap and some other detailing is BRIGHT cobalt blue. Oh, and it's HUGE.

Sarahs response? You are only allowed one midlife crisis, and I'm it!

After breakfast, checked out of the hotel, put our bags into storage, and then set off. We may be some time...

Check-out was 1100, and the car will pick us up at 16 o'clock. Over the road to Pavilion for a last wander. Sarah thinks of something she wants to buy at the Petronas shopping centre, so I show her the walkway. I try to hook up, but Mr Starbucks is not playing today. Must be too many surfing during their lunch.

We come back to Starhill, to Sarah's favourite Lebanese restaurant for our own lunch. Now she wants chocolate. And no that is not a craving.

Sarah told me I needed to check out the bathrooms down here. This might become a theme on this trip. Have you SEEN Slumdog Millionaire?

Anyway, you enter the toilets and you are in a very narrow corridor, with schist walls. If you pay attention, there are small recesses in the wall where I assume the actual toilets are. Don't pay attention and you will miss them completely. At the end of this 'schist cave' is an open area, with a large wooden contraption feeding to a couple of basins. Around the corner are the urinals, and there's a guy standing next to the machine. When you want to wash your hands, he takes a long wooden handle and pumps it to get water flowing into the bowl. Dry your hands on a rolled up towel, and toss it into a high bowl.
I repeat. The guy who designed this whole area was smoking something serious that day.

Went to the Starhill Tea Salon for her chocolate fix. I tried some Darjeeling tea. Very ooh er!

1 comment:

  1. redrooster (aka the Judge)February 27, 2013 at 10:08 AM

    An interesting insight into the local KL toilets....theres a thought for the regional lounge inbetween flts......pump handbasin water for the punters.....zone 4 ....and yes im the bording agent
