(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Monday, March 11, 2013

The ABBA Conundrum

It is very understandable that ABBA wanted to do their own thing on the streets of India.
Walk through the exotic bazaars like the ones you've seen in the movies.
Haggle with merchants for that unique item, and walk away with both a great bargain, and the respect of the merchant for your natural bartering skills.
Taste the exquisite fresh foods prepared before your eyes.
Inhale those fragrances from spices and perfumes at every turn.

We all want to say that we did that.

But there is something that needs to be explained about shopping in India.

India is listed as high risk by most travel authorities. You've seen the news about local girls who get raped and murdered on these streets. ABBA includes a rather pretty blonde 19 year old. I don't even want to imagine what would happen to her if she turned the wrong corner on her big adventure, accompanied only by her grandmother and her thirst for adventure. Forget rape and murder. Kidnapping doesn't just happen in the movies. It is quite common here, too.

Then there are the markets. Pickpockets, muggers. The hawkers are at you like mosquitos. Show interest in anything, and it's all on. Fresh blood.

Looking at fabric? You have no clue of quality. Precious metals or stones? Unlikely you will find anything real here.

Food? Unless you were born here, street food could literally kill you. Hygiene is a foreign concept.

Water? Don't even think about it.

After all of that, if you are still prepared to run the gauntlet, then be an FIT. A free independent traveler. Millions of backpackers do it every year. They travel cheaply, they eat cheaply, they live cheaply, and occasionally they die cheaply.
If you have a strong constitution, or don't mind losing weight the old fashioned way, then it is a rich and unforgettable experience.

But don't expect that kind of "on the edge" living when you are in a tour party. Especially one of these exclusive train tour parties. These people have a responsibility to keep us alive.
Hence the expensive hotels for expensive meals. Hence the controlled shopping environments.

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