(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Sunday, March 3, 2013


...and Sarah's a happy girl again.

Choices up the wazoo. Not at the insane, Siegfried and Roy over-the-top scale of The Atlantis in Dubai. But very impressive on a human scale. Off the shelf, made to order, anything you want.

On the Danishes and donuts table, Sarah saw a range of flavoured croissants, including whole-wheat. She says if you're going to be unhealthy and eat croissants, then don't pretend to be healthy by going whole-wheat.

It's like people who think its more polite to use substitute words instead of swear words. You're still swearing, noddy. The intent is exactly the same.

There is an old Dustin Hoffman movie about a comedian called Lenny Bruce. He used to get arrested for saying fuck during his stand-up comedy routines. He eventually started substituting everyday words for those deemed offensive. He said that he got away with saying more explicit things, more crude things, than he ever did while using swear words. All under the noses of the police officers in the front row. They couldn't touch him.

I say if you're going to use the F word, then go for gold.

The staff are a little more formal here than at the Taj, but I'm sure Sarah will survive.

We are checking out of here at lunchtime, and getting a hotel car to the train station. Our Thomas the Tank Engine Tour starts at 16 o'clock this afternoon.
Sarah chose this hotel, other than the monster initial on the roof, because it is across the road from the station where we catch the train. According to how Sarah reads maps, anyway.

To be fair, the station is within sight of the hotel, around the back. Unfortunately, they have closed the entrance from that side of the station. The only way is a car ride around the block to the other side of the station. Security? Cha-ching? Probably both.

We will be back here in a week. If we survive.

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