(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

On the road to Galway Bay

Thursday August 1

We’re in the coach driving to Galway. On the way we passed through Limerick.

Our guide Speedy has challenged us to write a limerick before we get to Galway. The prize is a bottle of Irish whiskey.

Here’s a few I’ve knocked together on the drive. Are any good enough to win?

There was a bus driver called Gerry 
Who drove on roads steep and scary
When asked why you do it
He replied there’s nothing to it
I just never dare look in the mirror 

We took a bus tour of old Ireland 
That traveled from lowland to highland 
We saw sea, we saw lake
And not one of them fake
Some days I do wish it was my land

What a strange old bird is the pelican 
Who can hold more in his beak than his belly can
He can hold more in his beak
Than I can eat in a week
And I don’t know how in the hell ‘e can

We’re driving on roads long and winding 
Small villages we’re constantly finding 
Thatched roof and bog houses
And some potcheen wowsers 
Drink too much and it’s guaranteed blinding

We’ve been asked to compose a wee limerick 
The prize is much more than a dram of it
I can’t think of a rhyme 
And I’ll run out of time
The pressure’s so strong I might shit a brick

Our guide’s a wee chap called Speedy 
His whiskers not what I’d call weedy
On topics this and that
I’d like to share a wee chat
But in a group of this size that‘s just greedy

Hint: one I didn’t write. I was told this by my dad as a child. Guess which one. 

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