(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Wednesday August 7

An easy day. We left the Isle of Skye at 1000. Unheard of!

In a while we were driving along a wee pond called Loch Ness. One minute you can see for miles, the next he heavens open, and you can see only outlines. Ten minutes later, everything is wet and shiny under a blue sky.

Then we stopped for lunch at a place called Culloden. It is the historical location for a major plot point in Outlander. There were a few woolly moos these.

Not long after that, we dropped the Amrikans at a sheep farm to watch some dogs do their thing. The antipodeans have all seen how clever the sheepdogs are, many of us in the land where the Scotsman MacKenzie made them famous. 

We stayed onboard, and 10 minutes later we were at the hotel. This is in the same chain as the hotel  on Skye, but our room was much bigger than the last one, which was about the size of Harry Potter’s bedroom. But clearly, the Scottish must be tiny wee buggers. The corner shower barely fits my substantial girth through the sliding doors. And turning around is quite an operation. 

I’ll leave you with that image. 

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