(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Getafix the Druid?

Saturday August 24

We’ve left Exeter, and are heading towards London.

Tonight we are staying in a place called The Carnarvan Arms, Newbery.  It’s the pub that was owned by Marco Pierre White. Remember the guy who owns the restaurant in that hotel we stayed in, back in Bath? Not sure if he still owns it, I guess we’ll find out when we get there.

At the moment we’re having lunch in a pub called Stonehenge Inn. It’s just around the corner from a giant set of Neolithic dominoes.

Oddly enough, there are quite a few mystical artifacts in the region.

There is a place called Woodhenge. Seriously.

Obviously planting objet in fields was raison d’être for these civilizations.

Then, of course, there are the more famous dominoes.

The local heritage crowd have got in on the act, and built a visitors centre, and car park. These are a bit of a walk to the dominoes, so they have busses to take you closer. But don’t forget, you can’t touch the stones, or go dancing naked through them under a full moon. No I just made that up. Given the number of whack jobs here, running naked through Stonehenge is probably just a normal Thursday night. Bugger, we missed it.

To visit the location, it’ll cost £5 for the car park, than about £20 each to get in.
I’m sure you’ll find all kinds of wizz-bang things to take your interest in the visitors centre, to help justify the 20 quid. You can then walk or wait for a bus, to get you nearer to the dominoes. But fear not,, intrepid travelers, you’ll never get to touch the jolly things. There’s a fence around the circle, to stop us peasants from doing what everyone was doing just over a hundred years ago.
There was a time when souvenirs from historical sites were the done thing. Not the Made-in-China plastic toys that I’m sure are available at considerable cost in the visitors centre. I’m talking about real rocks from the real site. If you didn’t have a rock from Stonehenge and the pyramids sitting on your mantlepiece, then you just weren’t worth knowing. Think I’m kidding? Until 1900, visitors to Stonehenge were actually given chisels and encouraged to chip off a piece to take home!!!
The stones probably looked like this 20 years earlier 

So we didn’t go to the heritage site, so that we cops stand at a distance for £45. I guess there were two reasons. First, if you’re only going to look at the rocks, you can see them from the motorway as you drive past.

Second, if I wanted to get up close and personal, I’d go here...

Now, avid readers, there is a third mystical site in the area, never spoken of except in hushed tones. Nobody unrelated to the first families of the area have even heard of it. We only happened upon them by pure happenstance, during our drive. While other sites may speak to the religious or death rituals of the people, this third location speaks to the lifeblood of generations. Food.
The symmetry and relationships between these objects remains unknown. Studies are going on even today, to break the enigmatic code of these mysterious edifices.

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