(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

On the Road to Edinburgh

Thursday August 8

And we are off again.

First stop is a place called Blair Castle. Apparently the current Duke or Baron or Lord or Field Marshall lives in Africa. When the local one died about 20 years ago, he had no sons. With the joys of primogeniture, the lawyers had to go hunting for a living male relative, regardless of how far back. So they discovered this guy living happily in Africa, minding his own business.

The house is mostly a museum now, and all rooms are set out as if the residents had just left the room. Sarah LOVES this shit.

Right from the foyer, I must say, it was impressive. That room had more muskets, bayonets and swords than I have seen IN MY LIFE. Forget about in one place.
No it’s not the headless horseman. The helmet is in a museum display 

And the deer heads around the walls!! Fuck! I’m surprised that deer aren’t extinct, the way these guys used to ping them off. Even today, they let wealthy hunters come onto the property and play Rambo. Culling the herd, they call it. If they still need to keep the numbers down, then the little buggers must be breeding like mink as soon as they get out of sight.

Then it was off to St Andrews, the home of golf. Didn’t realise that this is a beach town. This is the town (and beach) where Chariots of Fire was both set and filmed. True story.

Had fish and chups at a wee pub. Cute, but service was meh 

Then it was off to Edinburgh. We are here for two nights.

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