(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Going to London to visit the Queen

Friday August 30

We got off to a very leisurely start today.
Just mooched around the hotel for most of the morning. Sarah’s feet have been showing their age. Yesterday I insisted she buy some gel inserts from Boots downstairs, and that seems to have helped. Not cured, but helped.

There was only one thing on today’s agenda. Buck House.

We took the train (Circle Line this time) to Victoria Station. The Royal Mews were only a block away, and we were more than an hour early for Sarah’s appointment. As luck would have it, between us and them was a foody precinct called Nova. So we did lunch.

Then to fill in some more time, we popped into the Mews Shop. I told you this was a leisurely day. I should have said boring.

The Royal Mews is where the Royal ‘orses is looked after. Oddly, we didn’t see no ‘orses, so perhaps they should call it a museum. They keeps all the carriages here, so photos to follow.

What Sarah had purchased was a double ticket. Mews at 1445, State rooms at 1545. So off we go.

You know what’s coming next. No photos. Ask Uncle Google what the inside of Liz’s place looks like. To be fair, the theme of the bits they show to the peasants was “Victoria’s Palace”. It was all about how much Victoria and Albert did to modernize and make livable a previously cold and drab edifice. Or you could watch Victoria on the telly.

After you leave the palace, it’s a bit of a walk to freedom. Then we back-tracked a ways to go back to Victoria Station.

Haven’t heard of this airline 

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