(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Isn't a pedophile somebody who rides a bike?

Seeing this guy riding around taking people for rides reminds me of a story.

A few years ago, Sarah and I were in Singapore. My first trip, I think.
Anyway, we stepped out of the hotel to explore the neighbourhood a little. Just a walk around the block. We aren't the most adventurous tourists.

No sooner had we set foot onto the pavement, we got bombarded by one of these rickshaw drivers. Just like in the photo, a 3-wheeled tricycle.
Normally we would say no to street hawkers, but for some reason we decided to rise to the challenge. Maybe it had something to do with feeling sorry for him. He was about 127 in the shade (and there wasn't a lot of shade in Singapore).

So we got onto his rickshaw. A tight fit would be an understatement. I distinctly remember my left ass cheek being wedged onto the mudguard. And we are off. This is a 30-minute tour of the interesting hilights of the neighbourhood. We see parliament buildings, the merlion, and a few other nice buildings. They have a really weird-looking opera house. It makes the Sydney Opera house look like a state house in Waltham.

At one point, the path goes down an incline, under a bridge, and back up an incline on the other side. This is a single-lane walking path, with a sign next to the underpass saying no bicycles. Anyway, he starts barrelling down the path, picking up as much speed as he can, parping his horn to get some unsuspecting pedestrians off the pedestrian walkway. Whoosh! Through the underpass, and UP.... the other side. I now see why the speed going down. He needed the momentum to get up the other side.

OK, that was interesting.

A little later we are on a road that starts to rise gradually, but over quite a distance. Just a little steeper at the end. We are getting slower and slower. Almost at the top. Almost ground to a halt. Are we going to roll backwards?

Then a jogger, a pedestrian, steps out onto the road. And PUSHES US UP THE HILL!!!


Now THAT was embarrassing!

But wait. There's more.

We are finishing the tour. The hotel is in sight. We are just pulling up to where we got on. Literally 6 feet from the end, and...


A flat tyre.

Alright, then. Thanks for the ride. Here's your money. Thanks again. See ya.

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