(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Friday, February 22, 2013

And so it begins

We are off on the greatest entomological study in history.
Can a large white man survive in the Indian subcontinent for up to four weeks without succumbing to the appetites of a plethora of critters and buzzy things, or at least contracting the infamous "Delhi Belhi"?

Got off to a good start.
Sarah's bag (the pink one) is only 18kg, and mine (the manly black one) only 16. I think we were both surprised by that. I was half expecting to be one of THOSE people who park in the middle of the check-in area to migrate a couple of kilos from Sarah's big bag to my not-so-big one. Not this time.

Off to the Koru lounge to wait for our flight, and it starts to unravel.

But wait. Lets just take a step back for a moment.
Our flight was late. I know this because my mPass app told me so.
The mPass is an app on my phone from Air New Zealand. It can do everything except book your ticket (I believe that is coming soon).
It can add my flights to my phone calendar, it can tell me the gate and seat number. And apparently it sends me a notification that the flight is going to be late.
Our flight is scheduled for 1855, and has been delayed till 1905. Thanks for that.
But wait, there's more! I got the notification at about 1500!!!!
Now THAT'S impressive.

Unravelling, that's right. The problem with working in this building is that we know a lot of people here. As a result, walk through in civvies and expect to be stopped by are lot of people.
"Off somewhere?" Yeah just a wee holiday.
Nelson, Auckland, Wellington? Sydney?
Not the answer they expect. So the conversation begins.

Anyway, that was our journey from check-in to the departure lounge. One or other of us would be hijacked for a chat. I kept turning around and she wasn't there.
As I zigged and zagged the empty queue for Avsec screening, I turned around and she was gone again. Here she comes. Turn around, take out my LAGS and phone, put them into a tray and, ... She's gone again. Oh, there she is. Ahead of me and ahead of the 2 guys ahead of me as well. She is talking to one of them as she is about to go through the scanner. I went back to my bag, and to wondering if there was anything else I needed to take out for the X-ray machine. I look up again, and she is through the scanner, and giving that guy THE LOOK. There are many names for the look. All husbands have seen it. Sarah teaches a postgrad course in it. Some call it daggers. Hers is famous in this building. I call it the "Don't Fuck With Me look".

Apparently, these guys were farting about, unpacking their bags at the scanner bench. She was ready to go, so did. She walked past them, and to the X-ray. One guy took offence at her actions, and said so. She responded as she went through the scanner, to which he responded with something derogatory. A little racial profiling, shall we say. Did I mention that my wife has Tourette's?

Lets be clear here. I was oblivious to all of this. My first hint of danger was the look I saw from a few paces away. I was out of earshot of the conversation. This is why I didn't go leaping to her defense. Not that she needed it. The dumbass with the attitude was the one in danger.

By the time I got through security, Avsec were interrogating this guy, checking his shoes and tonsils, and debating his sobriety. I imagine an introduction to mr rubber glove was only moments away.
Don't fuck with Sarah on her turf! Home advantage can be a bitch.

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