(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Time to Fly

So that was San Fran. Just a flying visit.

Off to the airport to fly to NYC.

Just like many airports in Amrika, the 'kiosk' screen is on the public side of the check-in counter. Do your thing, ask the guy if you need any help, and then the bag tags print out on his side of the counter.

Don't want to pay for the extra bags with credit card, so offer cash. Clearly not the done thing.

As I have heard previously, the airlines encourage passengers to exchange their cash for a debit card at a machine over there, and the guy behind the counter offered to do it for us.

This is a great idea! Imagine if all airlines did the same thing. No cash to balance. No time wasted trying to balance anything. All automatic, all done. Nice.

He comes back, saying the machine is out of cards, so does something on his computer, and we are on our way.

We then have the fun task of getting through TSA. Security screening is such fun, don't you think?

Sarah is getting really pissy.

When you check in, up in the top left hand corner of the boarding pass is a messge that you have been TSA pre cleared. I know this because it is on my boarding pass. Every flight.

And guess what? Correct! It is NEVER on Sarah's boarding pass. Ever!

San Fran airport is quite nice on airside. To be honest, most airports are crappy landslide, and their only hope of redemption is airside. This one is good.

We find a food court, and free wifi.

Before this trip, I was having a debate (with myself) about the need for an Amrikan sim for my phone. On a previous visit, I bought an Amrican sim on trade me (the NZ version of E-bay) for about NZ$25. Seemed a good deal compared to the Amrikan price online.

When we got to Seattle, we went in to an AT&T store to activate it, and the guy laughed at me.
It seems that buying the data package I wanted, would have given me a free sim. Bugger.
To be honest, pretty much any package would get a free sim. Double bugger.

When I'm travelling, I am not a social animal, and don't use any talk time. I will also have bugger all texts, too. It's the data for me, thanks. Online. There is so much that I need to keep up with.
And, no, not the Twit. Nor the Book. Can't stand those things, won't have a bar of them.
No, I need to keep things like maps running, and of course, Uncle Google.

We need to know where shops are, and how to get there.


Things are now different. Wifi is now everywhere. And it's mostly free.

Sometimes a pain, but I can usually get online with my phone and/or laptop online, most places I need to. So on this trip, no local sim, and so far it hasn't bitten me on the bum.

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