(I'm the one next to the old guy)

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Definition of Love

How's this?

A colourblind guy, who is prone to motion-sickness, travels halfway around the world to accompany his wife on an 13-hour bus trip to look at the colour of leaves in the woods.

So thats our first tour in Boston. Driving through the countryside while middle-aged women ooh and aah about the reds and oranges of previously green leaves.

By the way, this is where I would insert some photos of brightly coloured leaves. But how would I know, right?

So. We are off, and I'm SOO looking forward to it.

Let me explain a little something about bus tour etiquette.
It's pretty simple, really. Find a seat and keep it!
This way, you can leave things on the bus, comfortable that it's safe till you get back to your seat.

Until this trip.

There were 3 women who wanted to sit together, and ended up at the back of the bus.
After our first stop, they were quick to get back on, and claimed 3 seats at the front.
When 2 'previous' occupants of these seats arrived, they were curtly told that seats are not assigned.
They shrugged and went to the back of the bus.

After a later stop, these 2 came onboard and reclaimed their original 2 seats. One of the 3 was seated in the next row, and said her friends had those seats.
"Seats are not assigned".

Karma is a bitch, sometimes.

To be fair, it is very beautiful country. I don't need to be able to name the colours to appreciate that.

This was one of our first stops:

We stopped for lunch at a lovely tavern

Despite my natural shortcomings, this was actually a good trip, and worth the drive. Again, beautiful country, whatever colour it is.

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